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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Watch TV with Schwez: Lost Season 1

I am a HUGE fan of television shows. Don't read that as I watch a lot of TV or even that I watch everything that is on. I just have a knack for finding TV shows that are off the air but were really good. It's not a bad thing my favorite shows aren't on television anymore: it gives me a chance to sit down and watch an entire season or even series in one big helping. I hate reality TV and think that it is what is wrong with TV programming today. A lot like how Lady GaGa is a great example of everything that is wrong with pop music today: media outlets believe that sex sells, period. Which it does, but even more so, so does a gripping story, fantastic acting, and rich interesting characters (something that Hollywood is just starting to pick up on with movies). There are way too many TV shows out there that I have never watched but that are more then likely mindblowing. A list of some of my favorites include:

(all seasons)
(season 1 is a must see. The rest of the series starts getting watered down but I still enjoy it)
(got cut off after the first season)
(got cut off after the first season)
STUDIO 60 (not for everyone but is Matthew Perry's best performance - unfortunately it got cut off before the end the first season)
(just finished season 1 and was amazing)
(just finished season 1. It's not for everyone but if you think a cross between Gladiator and 300 would be cool, you'll enjoy this over the top show)
(all seasons - and the British version starring Ricky Gervais as Steve Carrell's character is equally funny but sadly only 14 episodes)
FRINGE (all seasons but, like Lost, you should start from the beginning or be... lost the entire time)
VENTURE BROTHERS (I have nothing to say other than I really like cartoons)
IN PHILADEPHIA (all seasons... simply put: hilarious)
(all seasons)
(what can I say... I just love those kids)

Now, the rules of the game are simple: I have my handy dandy Blackberry sitting with me as I watch whatever show I am doing... in this case it's Lost season 1. You will notice I have kept thoughts brief as I write them down quickly while the show is playing and while I think of them. Think of it as a 'Mystery Science Theater 3000' but in text form. So they go in order and you can see what I am thinking as I watch the show. I've never watched an episode of Lost in my life until now. You'll have to trust me on that as I can't prove it but why would I lie? I wanted to see if the series finale was good before I decided to set to the task of watching all six seasons. My pet peeve with a series is a terrible series finale like The Sopranos. I refuse to put myself through that again, so after the green light from my friends with the finale, I knew what I had to do... get lost in LOST.

Matthew Fox is awesome as Jack - wasn't a fan of his other then in Speed Racer till now

Hurley is fat. Why does Locke look like Randy Quaid? Is one of the twists in Lost that Locke turns out to be a Quaid brother?

Kate is hottttttttt HOTHOTHOT hotttttttt

Locke is the coolest character EVER

Michael needs to grow his dreads back......I didn't know his cool rating rested on top of his head like that (Romeo and Juliet, Oz, The Edge) he does however NEED to settle down, he's the most high strung of them all

Boone looks like he belongs on Fox's The O.C....laaaaamest character, I'm calling it out in episode 5 season 1

NEVER ask Sawyer to give you a mercy killing....who the hell shoots someone in the chest to kill them quick?!?!

This show goes from creepy, to drama, to funny, to scary and back to creepy 52,000 times an episode

Claire is kinda cute in a hippy way, I'd probably ask her to be my valentine... or at least do her...

When the baby comes I hope its not distracting to the story and annoying like TV show babies can get

Oh god, either kill Shannon or make her easier to like... she's close to being in the same boat as her tool brother

Oh.....they aren't actually related and they have a Luke and Lea thing going on.....weeeeeeeeird

Sawyer is only tolerable when he is around Kate and oddly enough, I have no preference on Jack or Sawyer for her I just wanna see her get nakey with someone, it could be Hurley for all I care

Romeo and Juliet is the only thing Michael has been in that a bear attack hasn't ensued. I wanted him to break the 4th wall and say something about having practice with bear attacks before when the polar bear was attacking him and his son

Are a bunch of people going to die eventually cuz there are a TON of expendable characters sitting around everywhere

I like when they have the character you'll be flashing back with wake up to a close up of their eye.....very neato - it would be cool if it ended with Jack closing his eyes in the series finale, very poetic

'You will find me in the next life if not this one' - poetically awesome... who wouldn't search out a hot exotic with a creative flair for writing....you go Sayid

Jack just beat the ever loving shit out of Charlie (the dude from Lord of the Rings)

Well that solves the Claire/baby problem - gone with the creepy dude acting like one of them...waaaaaaay creepy reveal on there being an extra person in their camp, sadly I didn't see that coming but when Hurley said there were 46 people at camp and only 45 were survivors from the crash I almost peed

SWEET! Nice Star Trek joke bashing Shatner by JJ Abrams.....proof I'm a nerd when I think THAT'S ironic

I want to trust Locke but for some reason can't....he has done nothing but nice things so far yet does it all with an undertone of 'I will kill everyone and whistle happily while I skin the bodies like boars'

Kate wounded those 4 robbers in the bank Matrix style

Take note: don't tell Locke what he can't do... how many must be told?? There are like 40 people on a tiny island, people HAVE to be talking you'd think... he's probably told like 5 people this in the last hour

Hurley is fat but awesome... best back story so far haha

Hahahahahahaha Claire's baby daddy is the bad guy from Paul Blart???

HOLY shit, are all of them connected some how?? Hurley owns the box company Locke worked at?? AND Sawyer met Jack's dad before the crash... so they are all connected some how...

hmmmmmmm Sawyer is coming around

never mind...Sawyer is still a jack ass

Michael needs to settle down... the dude is just on TV but he stresses even ME out. If I were on the island I'd talk Locke into killing him so I could get some damn rest. Always going over to that Korean couple making trouble

Michael's kid better have psychic powers or something sweet like Professor X

How does Locke know these things?!?! He's like the jungle MacGuyver

If Locke loses the use of his legs I swear I will shut this off, I don't need to know what's in that hatch

Please please please say Boone died when that drug smuggler's plane went over the cliff... damn, he must be harder to kill then he looks cuz I feel like Charlie could smother him if he needed to... no offense, Charlie

Kate is hot, where has she been?

There we go, looks like Kate is going back to the charms of young Doc Jack

Hurley is awesome

Jack (aka: Mr. Gorilla Hands) returns as saving Boone entails an intense chest shot to the collapsed lung... I'm no doctor but it feels like beating on people's chests whenever they go unconscious may lead to malpractice but then again, I don't have a medical degree or daddy issues

No... don't find Shannon, she's busy doin it with Sayid and doesn't have time to save Boone

The Korean couple breaking up was the best thing for them.....they are way cool separately

How cliche... the doc is away and someone that doesn't have training now needs to deliver the baby...

I'd let Kate deliver my baby any day

Sayid was way cooler running around the jungle and torturing people before Shannon domesticated him... he's more whipped then anyone I've ever seen and he hasn't even gotten laid yet. Word of advice: Taste the goods first bro... that and never fly again if you make it off that island

New island rule needs to spread around so no one gets snapped at anymore: don't tell ANYONE what they can't do cuz that's like a nerve for every damn one of those people

Boone has DIED... yesssssssssssss! Now to go get Shannon killed and set Sayid free

Kate drugged Jack and then sat and watched him sleep - where I come from if the roles were reversed that's called rape

Locke can't die, he's the only one alive that knows about the hatch

"No self respected man goes anywhere in Iowa without beer" so true

Kate is hot, Hurley is fat.....that is all

So Kate's first love was with a doctor so Jack appeals to her but Sawyer is the bad boy and she can identify with him... now we have reason for a love triangle that will probably take us all the way to the Series Finale... you have 6 more seasons to choose, Kate, assuming everyone lives that long and if they don't you can always choose me

Here we go... young black professor X is about to kill crazy Ms. French in the woods... or just let her stroll in to the beach camp, that works too

Ms. French gives 3 choices: run, hide or die... what about having sex with Kate until your immediate doom?

So where the H has Michelle Rodriguez been? She's too famous and annoying to just be dead and not on the rest of the show - she shows up in a flashback of Jack's and says she's on the same flight, smells like setup for a new character to be found

Art the biology teacher has either signed up for his death OR signed up as a new main character by going with Jack

Jack and Sawyer need to decide to either be best friends or bitter enemies....this roller coaster thing is exhausting

Too many people with too MUCH baggage stranded on one island - in real life it would be terrible, I'd never make it... I'd almost for sure piss someone off on one of their 'crazy' days

Locke and Ms. French should hook up in some weird outdoor survival sex and sell it on the internet... not that I'd watch but don't tell me you wouldn't be curious to at least peek. They'd be carving sex toys out of plane wreckage and making sex swings out of branches and old twine they found in the woods... at least 2 boars would be hunted and killed during their fornication

New ending prediction: Vincent the dog eats Shannon and is the lone survivor... I could live with that

Sayid is just being nice Charlie, no one wants to give you a gun cuz you went Total Recall on a guy the last time you held one

So they call the old slave ship that got shipwrecked in the middle of the island...Black Rock?! Aaaaaaand everyone is OK with this... that's going to be an interesting conversation when they tell Michael what Ms. French decided to name that little landmark (psssst...Michael's black, guys, I know you're not in the civilized world anymore but maybe you could at least attempt to be more P.C.)

Oh Art, yes, make your little speech about how dangerous dynamite is while holding one... I'm gonna miss your awesome commentary about the other 'non-important' people on - OOPS there it is, Art has died

Does anyone else have problems empathizing with Shannon when they keep giving flashbacks of her being a biotch

Locke is the shit... asking the surgeon if he's ever played the game Operation and then 'buzzing' loudly to scare Jack while he's removing explosives - classic

have barely explored the island that is apparently HUGE - good thing M Night Shamalamadingdong isn't involved or the ending would probably be that they have been stranded on an inhabited island like Hawaii the whole time

There we go, now the rudder is gone and the boat will mysteriously float back to the island... ooooor Sawyer will save the day - no matter what they are still getting stranded on the island again eventually... 5 bucks says they don't get rescued floating out there

Grrrrrreat - Jack has fallen down more hills then anyone can count... literally every hill he's come across he's violently fallen and rolled down so of course he finds himself on one when they are carrying back dynamite to blow the hatch... "Drat, my arch nemesis and only weakness, a slow declining hill," he thought to himself

That's the 2nd time Locke has come face to face with whatever monster thing is in the woods... it sounds a lot like a machine - it better not be a ghost or I'll be pissed... something about the slaves dead unresting souls or something = LAME

These numbers are infuriating...its like watching 13 without all the crazy math

Jack better believe in destiny cuz it seems like destiny believes in him

"I ain't no hero" says Sawyer which is probably foreshadowing that he will die saving some people

I have come to terms that Locke will probably not be getting off the island... if he has a choice he will stay

THERE, now the raft is blown up and they have Michael's son...I knew they weren't leaving

Aw, flashback to all the characters that were alive for the season finale - touching, cliche, moving and it worked - well done...

...What's in the hatch.....dun dun DUUUUUUUN

So far I have to give Lost 5/5 stars for fantastic character development and good story. I realize I am waaaaaaaaay behind on this but it doesn't matter since I'm bored and haven't posted for some time, this kills two birds with one stone. I hope this was at least some what enjoyable...if not...I don't really care, it's your wasted five minutes and not mine, but if you did enjoy this Season 2 will be on the way.

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