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Monday, March 29, 2010

Episode 18 - That's a Lot of Testicles

The LSCrew breaks format this week as, instead of reviewing a new release, we catch-up on a few DVDs; specifically, DVDs we assigned each other to watch. Cory assigned Joe The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters, Hey Zeus assigned Schwez Welcome to Colinwood, Schwez assigned Cory Hard Candy, and Joe assigned Hey Zeus Boondock Saints. Join us as we expand our cinematical horizons, Hey Zeus debuts a new segment, Cory finds a way to bring up Piranha 3-D, Schwez gets superexcited about everything, Joe can't open his eyes, Cory and Schwez write a jingle for every segment of the show, Joe and Schwez have a knife fight, Schwez remembers Jumpman, Joe does the robot while stepping on a bit, Cory wants to watch Sam Rockwell dance, Schwez confuses Italian for German, Joe's mom stars in a snuff film, Cory joins A.A., Joe loses track of time, Hey Zeus doesn't represent the group, Cory gets sympathy pains, Hey Zeus doesn't surprise Schwez, Schwez has a theory, Hey Zeus isn't a fan of Ron Jeremy's acting, Joe learns Willem Dafoe's name, and Hey Zeus has a quickie. Plus, games!

2:51 - The LSQ News Desk
10:58 - King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters
20:57 - Welcome to Colinwood
26:04 - Hard Candy
34:34 - Boondock Saints
40:19 - LSQ Quickie: Repo Men
43:45 - Reboot Recast

Thanks to this week's sponsor The Union. Visit theunioncares.com for more information.

Link Dump
Captain America
Jack Ryan
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Warner Bros. 3-D

You can e-mail the show at lsqpodcast@gmail.com, follow us on Twitter at @LSQPodcast, and read our blog at lsqpodcast.blogspot.com.

Theme song:
New Found Glory - King of Wishful Thinking

Opening song:
A Change of Pace - Weekend Warriors