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Monday, April 26, 2010

Episode 21 - Exaggerated Maleness

The LSQ Movie Review is about to Geekxplode all over your face this week, and for the next two months, as The LSCrew prepare themselves to talk comic book movies. Join us as we discuss the past, present, and future of comic book movies with LSQ's Comic Book Movie Geekxplosion which kicks off in celebration of the release of the first comic book movie of the year, the adaptation of Mark Millar and John Romita Jr.'s Kick-Ass. Meanwhile, Joe gets an idea, Cory ranks himself, Joe's a glitch in the Matrix, Schwez goes straight to DVD, Joe needs a rub-down, Cory flip-flops on flip-flopping, and Hey Zeus is a homo-cidal maniac. Plus, games!

And don't forget, once The LSQ Movie Review gets 100 subscribers Schwez takes 5 shots and you'll get to see video of the whole thing. Tell your friends, your dog... anyone you can. Let's get Schwez fucked up as quickly as possible.

You can currently find The LSQ Movie Review in the iTunes store. If you subscribe through iTunes be sure to leave us a review since it helps other people find the show.

3:05 - The LSQ News Desk
12:31 - Kick-Ass
LSQ's Comic Book Movie Geekxplosion
52:50 - Superman
55:05 - Superman II
56:24 - Swamp Thing
57:49 - Superman III
58:41 - Howard the Duck
1:00:26 - Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
1:03:15 - Batman
1:06:03 - Title Tag

Thanks to this week's sponsor the StarkExpo 2010. Visit starkexpo2010.com for more information.

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300 3-D
Danger Girl
Spider-Man reboot casting

You can e-mail the show at lsqpodcast@gmail.com, follow us on Twitter at @LSQPodcast, and read our blog at lsqpodcast.blogspot.com.

Theme song:
New Found Glory - King of Wishful Thinking

Opening song:
Jane's Addiction - Superhero